Erstwilder, The Wild Banksia, Acrylic Brooch ar1bh08thewildbanksiabroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, The Wild Banksia, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Fluttering in the Florals, Acrylic Necklace ar1ns01flutteringinthefloralsnecklacemodel_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Fluttering in the Florals, Acrylic Necklace

Erstwilder, Mythical Blue Waratah, Acrylic Brooch ar1bh09mythicalbluewaratahbroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Mythical Blue Waratah, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, The Majors and the Proteas, Acrylic Necklace ar1ns02themajorsandtheproteasnecklacemodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, The Majors and the Proteas, Acrylic Necklace

Erstwilder, Major Mitch’s Moment, Acrylic Brooch Danilova, Erstwilder, Major Mitch’s Moment Acrylic Brooch4.jpg
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Erstwilder, Major Mitch’s Moment, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Major Mitch’s Moment, Acrylic Drop Earrings ar1eg01majormitchsmomentdropearringsmodel_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Major Mitch’s Moment, Acrylic Drop Earrings

Erstwilder, Wonderous Waratah, Acrylic Brooch ar1bh04wonderouswaratahbroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Wonderous Waratah, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Protea in Bloom, Acrylic Brooch ar1bh11proteainbloombroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Protea in Bloom, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Lilly Lyre Bird, Acrylic Brooch ar1bh12lillylyrebirdbroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Lilly Lyre Bird, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, A Pleasing Desert Pea, Acrylic Brooch ar1bh02apleasingdesertpeabroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, A Pleasing Desert Pea, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, A Moth Amongst the Desert Peas, Acrylic Necklace ar1ns04amothamongstthedesertpeasnecklacemodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, A Moth Amongst the Desert Peas, Acrylic Necklace

Erstwilder, Fluttering Bogong, Acrylic Hair Clip Claw ar1hr03flutteringbogonghairclipclaw-2_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Fluttering Bogong, Acrylic Hair Clip Claw

Erstwilder, Fluttering Bogong, Acrylic Hair Clips Set - 2 Piece ar1hr06flutteringbogonghairclipssetmodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Fluttering Bogong, Acrylic Hair Clips Set - 2 Piece

Erstwilder, Fluttering Bogong, Acrylic Ring ar1rg02flutteringbogongring-3_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Fluttering Bogong, Acrylic Ring

Erstwilder, Fluttering Bogong, Acrylic Brooch ar1bh01flutteringbogongbroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Fluttering Bogong, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Melodic Moments Cicada , Acrylic Brooch ar1bh06melodicmomentscicadabroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Melodic Moments Cicada , Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, A Jewel Among Beetles, Acrylic Brooch ar1bh05ajewelamongbeetlesbroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, A Jewel Among Beetles, Acrylic Brooch

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Erstwilder, A Jewel Among Beetles, Acrylic Hair Clips Set - 2 Piece

Erstwilder, A Jewel Among Beetles , Acrylic Ring ar1rg01ajewelamongbeetlesring-1_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, A Jewel Among Beetles , Acrylic Ring

Erstwilder, Kyrie Kingfisher, Acrylic Brooch ar1bh14kyriekingfisherbroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Kyrie Kingfisher, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Kyrie Kingfisher, Acrylic Drop Earrings ar1eg07kyriekingfisherdropearringsmodel_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Kyrie Kingfisher, Acrylic Drop Earrings

Erstwilder, Set Yourself Free Butterfly, Acrylic Brooch ar1bh07setyourselffreebutterflybroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Set Yourself Free Butterfly, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Set Yourself Free Butterfly, Acrylic Hair Clip Claw ar1hr01setyourselffreebutterflyhairclipclaw-2_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Set Yourself Free Butterfly, Acrylic Hair Clip Claw

Erstwilder, Set Yourself Free Butterfly, Acrylic Hair Clips Set - 2 Piece ar1hr04_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Set Yourself Free Butterfly, Acrylic Hair Clips Set - 2 Piece

Erstwilder, Set Yourself Free Butterfly, Acrylic Hair Clip Barrette ar1hr01_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Set Yourself Free Butterfly, Acrylic Hair Clip Barrette

Erstwilder, Bella the Black Cockatoo, Acrylic Brooch ar1bh18bellatheblackcockatoobroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Bella the Black Cockatoo, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Bella the Black Cockatoo, Acrylic Drop Earrings Danilova, Erstwilder, Bella the Black Cockatoo Acrylic Drop Earrings4.jpg
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Erstwilder, Bella the Black Cockatoo, Acrylic Drop Earrings

Erstwilder, Perched upon the Lilly Pillies, Acrylic Necklace ar1ns03percheduponthelillypilliesnecklacemodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Perched upon the Lilly Pillies, Acrylic Necklace

Erstwilder, Flossie the Budgie, Acrylic Brooch Danilova, Erstwilder, Flossie the Budgie Acrylic Brooch3.jpg
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Erstwilder, Flossie the Budgie, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Flossie the Budgie, Acrylic Drop Earrings Danilova, Erstwilder, Flossie the Budgie Acrylic Drop Earrings3.jpg
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Erstwilder, Flossie the Budgie, Acrylic Drop Earrings

Erstwilder, Endearing Lilly Pilly, Acrylic Brooch ar1bh15endearinglillypillybroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Endearing Lilly Pilly, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Endearing Lilly Pilly, Acrylic Drop Earrings Danilova, Erstwilder, Endearing Lilly Pilly Acrylic Drop Earrings4.jpg

Erstwilder, Endearing Lilly Pilly, Acrylic Drop Earrings

Erstwilder, Rosie Rosella, Acrylic Brooch ar1bh13rosierosellabroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Rosie Rosella, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Brilliant Blossoms Flowering Gum, Acrylic Brooch ar1bh17brilliantblossomsfloweringgumbroochmodel_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Brilliant Blossoms Flowering Gum, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Brilliant Blossoms Flowering Gum, Acrylic Drop Earrings ar1eg01_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Brilliant Blossoms Flowering Gum, Acrylic Drop Earrings

La Vidriola, Interactive, What's Cooking in the Retro Kitchen?, Acrylic Necklace Whats-Cooking-in-the-Retro-Kitchen-Necklace--interactive--Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-zoom_800x.jpg

La Vidriola, Interactive, What's Cooking in the Retro Kitchen?, Acrylic Necklace

Paint-On-My-Mannequin-Necklace-interactive-La-Vidriola-Interactive-Party-Collection-Detail_800x.gif Paint-On-My-Mannequin-Necklace-interactive-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-product_800x.jpg

La Vidriola, Interactive, Paint on my Mannequin, Acrylic Necklace

La Vidriola, Interactive, Handle with Kitty Cat Care, Acrylic Brooch Handle-With-Kitty-Cat-Care-Brooch--interactive--Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-zoom_800x.jpg
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La Vidriola, Interactive, Handle with Kitty Cat Care, Acrylic Brooch

La Vidriola, Interactive, Oven Cooking, Acrylic Brooch in Mint Green Oven-Cooking-Brooch--interactive--Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-product_8eb4b74b-f345-4e65-957e-099e9a6a41c8_800x.jpg

La Vidriola, Interactive, Oven Cooking, Acrylic Brooch in Mint Green

La Vidriola, Interactive, Spanish Dishes Insert Pack for Oven Brooch Spanish-Dishes-Insert-Pack-for-Oven-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail-in_800x.JPG

La Vidriola, Interactive, Spanish Dishes Insert Pack for Oven Brooch

Vegetarian-Feast-Insert-Pack-for-Oven-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail_800x.JPG Vegetarian-Feast-Insert-Pack-for-Oven-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail-in_800x.JPG

La Vidriola, Interactive, Vegetarian Feast Insert Pack for Oven Brooch

La Vidriola, Interactive, Italian Foodie Insert Pack for Oven Brooch Italian-Foodie-Insert-Pack-for-Oven-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-product_800x.jpg
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La Vidriola, Interactive, Italian Foodie Insert Pack for Oven Brooch

Comfy-Morning-Topper-Insert-Pack-for-Oven-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail_800x.JPG Comfy-Morning-Topper-Insert-Pack-for-Oven-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail-in_800x.JPG
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La Vidriola, Interactive, Comfy Morning Topper Insert Pack for Oven Brooch

La Vidriola, Interactive, Cosy Home Topper Insert Pack for Oven Brooch Cosy-Home-Topper-Insert-Pack-for-Oven-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail-in_800x.JPG
sold out

La Vidriola, Interactive, Cosy Home Topper Insert Pack for Oven Brooch

La Vidriola, Interactive, Time for Tea Table, Acrylic Necklace Time-For-Tea-Table-Necklace-interactive-La-Vidriola-Interactive-Party-Collection-Detail_800x.JPG
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La Vidriola, Interactive, Time for Tea Table, Acrylic Necklace

La Vidriola, Interactive, Premium Tropical Chameleon, Acrylic Necklace Premium-Tropical-Chameleon-Necklace--interactive--Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-zoomt_800x.jpg
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La Vidriola, Interactive, Premium Tropical Chameleon, Acrylic Necklace

La Vidriola, Interactive, Fortune Teller Reads the Crystal Ball, Acrylic Necklace Fortune-Teller-Reads-The-Crystal-Ball-Statement-Necklace--interactive--Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-product_800x.jpg

La Vidriola, Interactive, Fortune Teller Reads the Crystal Ball, Acrylic Necklace

What_s-in-the-jar-Brooch-interactive-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail_800x.JPG What_s-in-the-jar-Brooch-interactive-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail-empty_800x.JPG

La Vidriola, Interactive, What's in the Jar?, Acrylic Brooch

Preserved-Veggies-Insert-Pack-for-Jar-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail_800x.JPG Preserved-Veggies-Insert-Pack-for-Jar-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail-in-the-jar_800x.JPG

La Vidriola, Interactive, Preserved Veggies Insert Pack for Jar Brooch

Jam-Insert-Pack-for-Jar-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail_800x.JPG Jam-Insert-Pack-for-Jar-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail-in-the-jar_800x.JPG

La Vidriola, Interactive, Jam Insert Pack for Jar Brooch

Nana_s-Wicca-Basket-Brooch--interactive--Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail_800x.JPG Nana_s-Wicca-Basket-Brooch--interactive--Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail-2_800x.JPG

La Vidriola, Interactive, Nana's Wicca Basket, Acrylic Brooch

La Vidriola, Interactive, Cats in the Hats, Acrylic Brooch Cats-In-Hats-Brooch--interactive-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-product_800x.jpg

La Vidriola, Interactive, Cats in the Hats, Acrylic Brooch

Playing-Dress-Up-Insert-Pack-for-Cat-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail_800x.JPG Playing-Dress-Up-Insert-Pack-for-Cat-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail-on_800x.JPG

La Vidriola, Interactive, Playing Dress Up Insert Pack for Cat Brooch

Job-Hat-Insert-Pack-for-Cat-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail_800x.JPG Job-Hat-Insert-Pack-for-Cat-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail-on_800x.JPG

La Vidriola, Interactive, Job Hat Insert Pack for Cat Brooch

La Vidriola, Interactive, My Furbaby's Dog House, Acrylic Brooch My-Furbaby_s-Dog-House-brooch---interactive---Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-product_800x.jpg
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La Vidriola, Interactive, My Furbaby's Dog House, Acrylic Brooch

La Vidriola, Interactive, Queen with Her Brooches, Acrylic Brooch in Baby Pink Queen-With-Her-Brooches--interactive---Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-product-baby-pink_800x.jpg (Copy)
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La Vidriola, Interactive, Queen with Her Brooches, Acrylic Brooch in Baby Pink

Queen-With-Her-Brooches--interactive---Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail-lilac_800x.JPG Queen-With-Her-Brooches--interactive---Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-product-lilac_800x.jpg
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La Vidriola, Interactive, Queen with Her Brooches, Acrylic Brooch in Pastel Purple

Aussie-Flora-Insert-Pack-for-Vase-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail_800x.JPG Aussie-Flora-Insert-Pack-for-Vase-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail-on_800x.JPG

La Vidriola, Interactive, Aussie Flora Pack for Vase Brooch

La Vidriola, Interactive, Paper Flowers Insert Pack for Vase Brooch Paper-Flowers-Insert-Pack-for-Vase-Brooch-Interactive-Party-Collection-La-Vidriola-Detail-on_800x.JPG

La Vidriola, Interactive, Paper Flowers Insert Pack for Vase Brooch

wild-rose-bouquet-brooch-set_850x@2x.jpg.JPG erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_wild_rose_bouquet_brooch_set_model_red_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Wild Rose Bouquet, Acrylic Brooch Set

cheer-for-protea-brooch_850x@2x.jpg.JPG erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_cheer_for_protea_brooch_model_pink_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Cheer for Protea, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Call Me the Wild Rose, Acrylic Brooch erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_call_me_the_wild_rose_brooch_model_red_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Call Me the Wild Rose, Acrylic Brooch

pair-o-keets-brooch-set_850x@2x.JPG erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_pair_o_keets_brooch_set_model_blue_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Pair O'Keets, Acrylic Brooch Set

Erstwilder, Pair O'Keets, Acrylic Necklace erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_pair_o_keets_necklace_model_blue_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Pair O'Keets, Acrylic Necklace

gumtree-royalty-brooch_850x@2x.jpg.JPG erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_gumtree_royalty_brooch_model_brown_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Gumtree Royalty, Acrylic Brooch

bushy-blush-brooch_850x@2x.JPG erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_bushy_blush_brooch_model_red_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Bushy Blush, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Floral Antipodea, Acrylic Necklace erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_flora_antipodea_necklace_model_red_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Floral Antipodea, Acrylic Necklace

hum-of-the-gum-brooch_850x@2x.JPG erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_hum_of_the_gum_brooch_model_pink_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Hum of the Gum, Acrylic Brooch

hum-of-the-gum-earrings_850x@2x.jpg.JPG erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_hum_of_the_gum_earrings_model_pink_850x@2x.jpg.jpeg
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Erstwilder, Hum of the Gum, Acrylic Earrings

Erstwilder, Waratah Warmth, Acrylic Brooch erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_waratah_warmth_brooch_model_green_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Waratah Warmth, Acrylic Brooch

king-of-the-coast-brooch_850x@2x.jpg.JPG erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_king_of_the_coast_brooch_model_red_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, King of the Coast, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Pinky Promise, Acrylic Brooch erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_pinky_promise_brooch_model_pink_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Pinky Promise, Acrylic Brooch

pinky-promise-cardiganclips_850x@2x.jpg.JPG erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_pinky_promise_cardigan_clips_model_pink_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Pinky Promise, Acrylic Cardigan Clips

everythings-rosy-brooch_850x@2x.jpg.JPG erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_everything_s_rosy_brooch_model_red_850x@2x.jpg
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Erstwilder, Everything's Rosy, Acrylic Brooch

the-chippy-caper-brooch_850x@2x.jpg.JPG erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_the_chipper_caper_brooch_model_white_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, The Chippy Caper, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, A Walk in the Wattle, Acrylic Brooch a-walk-in-the-wattle-brooch-2_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, A Walk in the Wattle, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Hello Cocky, Acrylic Brooch erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_hello_cocky_brooch_model_white_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, Hello Cocky, Acrylic Brooch

as-good-as-gould-brooch_850x@2x.jpg.JPG erstwilder_jocelyn_proust_as_good_as_gould_brooch_model_green_850x@2x.jpg

Erstwilder, As Good as Gould, Acrylic Brooch

La Vidriola, Retro Jolly Christmas Ornaments, Acrylic Necklace Retro-Jolly-Christmas-Ornaments-Statement-Necklace-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg.jpeg
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La Vidriola, Retro Jolly Christmas Ornaments, Acrylic Necklace

La Vidriola, Retro Jolly Christmas Ornament, Acrylic Earrings Retro-Jolly-Christmas-Ornament-Earrings-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg.jpeg

La Vidriola, Retro Jolly Christmas Ornament, Acrylic Earrings

La Vidriola, Interactive, Who Is In The Gingerbread House, Acrylic Brooch Who-Is-In-The-Gingerbread-House-Brooch-Interactive-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-detail-2_800x.jpg.JPG

La Vidriola, Interactive, Who Is In The Gingerbread House, Acrylic Brooch

La Vidriola, My Christmas Ornament Universe, Acrylic Necklace My-Christmas-Ornament-Universe-Necklace-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg.jpeg

La Vidriola, My Christmas Ornament Universe, Acrylic Necklace

A-Very-Festive-Poinsettia-Brooch-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-detail-1_800x.jpg.JPG A-Very-Festive-Poinsettia-Brooch-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg.jpeg
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La Vidriola, A Very Festive Poinsettia, Acrylic Brooch

La Vidriola, A Jolly Bike Ride, Acrylic Necklace A-Jolly-Bike-Ride-Necklace-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg
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La Vidriola, A Jolly Bike Ride, Acrylic Necklace

La Vidriola, Premium Jolly Queen Christmas Edition, Acrylic Brooch Premium-Jolly-Queen-Christmas-Edition-Brooch-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg

La Vidriola, Premium Jolly Queen Christmas Edition, Acrylic Brooch

La Vidriola, Jingle In My Christmas Witch Boots, Acrylic Earrings Jingle-In-My-Christmas-Witch-Boots-Earrings-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg.jpeg

La Vidriola, Jingle In My Christmas Witch Boots, Acrylic Earrings

La Vidriola, Christmas Cheer in London with Fireworks, Acrylic Necklace Christmas-Cheer-in-London-with-Fireworks-Necklace-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg.jpeg

La Vidriola, Christmas Cheer in London with Fireworks, Acrylic Necklace

La Vidriola, Me Ow Ho Ho Happy Cat Tree, Acrylic Necklace Me-Ow-Ho-Ho-Happy-Cat-Tree-Statement-Necklace-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg.jpeg

La Vidriola, Me Ow Ho Ho Happy Cat Tree, Acrylic Necklace

La Vidriola, Interactive, Festive Candy Cane Marble Soda, Acrylic Brooch Festive-Candy-Cane-Marble-Soda-Brooch-Interactive-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg

La Vidriola, Interactive, Festive Candy Cane Marble Soda, Acrylic Brooch

La Vidriola, It's Raining Umbrella Queen Christmas Edition, Acrylic Brooch It_s-Raining_-Umbrella-Queen-Christmas-Edition-Brooch-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg.jpeg
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La Vidriola, It's Raining Umbrella Queen Christmas Edition, Acrylic Brooch

La Vidriola, Interactive, Holly Jolly Oven, Acrylic Brooch Holly-Jolly-Oven-Brooch--Interactive--Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg.jpeg
sold out

La Vidriola, Interactive, Holly Jolly Oven, Acrylic Brooch

La Vidriola, Look How Long My Christmas Sweater Is, Acrylic Necklace Look-How-Long-My-Christmas-Sweater-Is_-Necklace-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg.jpeg

La Vidriola, Look How Long My Christmas Sweater Is, Acrylic Necklace

Merry-_-Bright-Jolly-Flower-Vase-Brooch-Interactive-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-detail-1_800x.jpg.JPG Merry-_-Bright-Jolly-Flower-Vase-Brooch-Interactive-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-detail-2_800x.jpg.JPG
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La Vidriola, Interactive, Merry Bright Jolly Flower Vase, Acrylic Brooch

Christmas-Party-All-Around_-Statement-Necklace-interactive-Fa-La-La-collection-la-vidriola-detail-2_800x.jpg.JPG Christmas-Party-All-Around_-Statement-Necklace-interactive-Fa-La-La-collection-la-vidriola-product_800x.jpg.jpeg

La Vidriola, Interactive, Christmas Party All Around, Acrylic Necklace

La Vidriola, Octopus On Ice, Acrylic Brooch Octopus-On-Ice_-Brooch-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg

La Vidriola, Octopus On Ice, Acrylic Brooch

La Vidriola, Rewind the Christmas Tunes on My Cassette, Acrylic Brooch Rewind-the-Christmas-Tunes-on-My-Cassette-Brooch-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg

La Vidriola, Rewind the Christmas Tunes on My Cassette, Acrylic Brooch

La Vidriola, Knitting My Ugly Christmas Sweater, Acrylic Necklace Knitting-My-Ugly-Christmas-Sweater-Necklace-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg.jpeg

La Vidriola, Knitting My Ugly Christmas Sweater, Acrylic Necklace

La Vidriola, Jolly Granny Dino Claus reading to her Grand Elf Dinos, Acrylic Necklace Jolly-Granny-Dino-Claus-reading-to-her-Grand-Elf-Dinos-Necklace-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg.jpeg
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La Vidriola, Jolly Granny Dino Claus reading to her Grand Elf Dinos, Acrylic Necklace

La Vidriola, Out of this World Christmas, Acrylic Brooch Out-of-this-World-Christmas-Brooch-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg.jpeg

La Vidriola, Out of this World Christmas, Acrylic Brooch

La Vidriola, Frozen Catzilla Snow Attack, Acrylic Necklace Frozen-Catzilla-Snow-Attack_-Necklace-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-product_800x.jpg.jpeg
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La Vidriola, Frozen Catzilla Snow Attack, Acrylic Necklace

Konnichiwa_-Japanese-Christmas-Home-Brooch-interactive-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-detail-2_800x.jpg.JPG Konnichiwa_-Japanese-Christmas-Home-Brooch-interactive-Christmas-Spirit-Collection-detail-1_800x.jpg.JPG

La Vidriola, Interactive, Konnichiwa Japanese Christmas Home, Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Butterfly of Rebirth, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch 331796830_198906559393627_8899322840186204251_n.jpg

Erstwilder, Butterfly of Rebirth, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Hen of Fertility, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch 331093754_728329545671436_2229864617327735079_n.jpg

Erstwilder, Hen of Fertility, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Deer of Prosperity, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch 331488040_554715463279005_3368077664941192667_n.jpg

Erstwilder, Deer of Prosperity, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Horse of Hope, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch 331319681_1157073588297792_6718419089008686542_n.jpg

Erstwilder, Horse of Hope, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Ram of Perseverance, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch Danilova, Erstwilder, Ram of Perseverance Acrylic Brooch1.jpg

Erstwilder, Ram of Perseverance, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Tree of Life, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch Danilova, Erstwilder, Tree of Life Acrylic Brooch1.jpg

Erstwilder, Tree of Life, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Harvest of Health, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch Danilova, Erstwilder, Hasrvest of Health Acrylic Brooch1.jpg

Erstwilder, Harvest of Health, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Star of Wisdom, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch Danilova, Erstwilder, Star of Wisdom Acrylic Brooch1.jpg

Erstwilder, Star of Wisdom, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch

Erstwilder, Sunflower of Love, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch Danilova, Erstwilder, Sunflower of Love Acrylic Brooch1.jpg

Erstwilder, Sunflower of Love, "Pysanka" Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, Seasonal Sweater, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings6.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings5.jpg

Erstwilder, Seasonal Sweater, Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, Stay Frosty Snowman, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, Sugar & Spice, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg
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Erstwilder, Sugar & Spice, Acrylic Earrings

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg
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Erstwilder, The Festive Soldier, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, True Love's Gift, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, Workshop Wonder, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, Yuletide Treasure, Acrylic Brooch

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Erstwilder, Holy Herald, Acrylic Brooch

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Erstwilder, Peace & Love, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, A Jolly Christmas, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, Bright Spirit, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, Christmas Bubbles, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, Festivity on Ice, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, Good Tidings Peacock, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, Great Miracles, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, Holiday Home, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, Holiday Lamp, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg
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Erstwilder, Jingle Bell Rock, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, O Christmas Tree, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, Good Tidings Peacock, Enamel Pin

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, Holy Herald, Enamel Pin

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings2.jpg

Erstwilder, Seasonal Sweater, Enamel Pin

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg

Erstwilder, Modern Holiday, Neck Scarf

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg

Erstwilder, Seasonal Sweater, Neck Scarf

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.jpg

Erstwilder, A Splendid Christmas, Neck Scarf

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg

Erstwilder, Wreath Down Under, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg
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Erstwilder, A Champagne Christmas, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg

Erstwilder, Wreath Down Under, Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg

Erstwilder, A Splendid Christmas, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg

Erstwilder, Christmas Holly-Days, Acrylic Brooch

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Erstwilder, Festive Pavlova, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg
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Erstwilder, The Good Pud, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg
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Erstwilder, A Chatty Christmas, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg

Erstwilder, A Devilish Christmas, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg

Erstwilder, Comfy Christmas Koala, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg

Erstwilder, Joey's First Christmas, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg

Erstwilder, No Christmas Fool, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg

Erstwilder, No Christmas Fool, Acrylic Earrings

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg

Erstwilder, No Christmas Fool, Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings2.jpg

Erstwilder, No Christmas Fool, Square Scarf

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings2.jpg

Erstwilder, The Lovebirds, 2019, Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg

Erstwilder, Seasonal Merriment, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings4.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings2.jpg

Erstwilder, Seasonal Symmetry, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings3.PNG Danilova Jewellery, Erstwilder, Christmas and Festive Season, Resin Plastic Brooches, Necklaces Earrings1.jpg

Erstwilder, The Christmas Cardinal, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces50.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces64.PNG

La Vidriola, Edamame and Beer in Summer, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces228.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces236.PNG
sold out

La Vidriola, Mixtape, Essentials Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces140.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces152.PNG

La Vidriola, Evil Kitty Flower, Upside Down Edition, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces10.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces26.PNG

La Vidriola, Zero Gravity Space Cat, Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces123.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces133.PNG

La Vidriola, Sleepy Bookshelf Cat, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces217.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces225.PNG

La Vidriola, Cat Sleeping on Books, Essentials Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces287.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces298.PNG

La Vidriola, Cat Tree, Essentials Statement Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces135.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces147.PNG

La Vidriola, Kitty at the Clay Workshop, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces2.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces382.PNG

La Vidriola, The Moon is Made of Cheese, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces194.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces216.PNG

La Vidriola, Hanami Festival, Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces32.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces48.PNG

La Vidriola, Dorayaki is my Special Snack, Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces356.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces363.PNG
sold out

La Vidriola, Dino Dachshund Wants the Bone, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces370.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces373.PNG

La Vidriola, See What I Will Say, Interactive Custom Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces83.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces99.PNG

La Vidriola, Message in a Bottle, Custom Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces101.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces117.PNG

La Vidriola, Typewriting My Next Grand Novel, Custom Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces331.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces332.PNG
sold out

La Vidriola, My Kitten Mittens, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces300.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces311.PNG

La Vidriola, Aerial Ballet Trapeze Artist, Essential Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces68.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces90.PNG
sold out

La Vidriola, Decorating the Hallow's Eve Tree, Upside Down Edition, Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces94.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces116.PNG
sold out

La Vidriola, Granny Dino Reading to her Grand-Dinos, Upside Down Edition, Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces154.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces164.PNG
sold out

La Vidriola, Broken Flower Vase, Upside Down Edition, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces256.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces272.PNG

La Vidriola, Funny Jester, Interactive Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces321.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces330.PNG
sold out

La Vidriola, Wrap Up Warm, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces231.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces239.PNG

La Vidriola, Medusa, Essentials Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces170.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces190.PNG
sold out

La Vidriola, Subway Map Adventure, Statement Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces249.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces255.PNG
sold out

La Vidriola, Delicious Sushi Nigiri, Essentials Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces19.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces29.PNG

La Vidriola, Marble Effect Queen, Acrylic Brooch in Blue

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces73.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces79.PNG

La Vidriola, Marble Effect Queen, Acrylic Brooch in Green

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces37.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces47.PNG

La Vidriola, Colourful Queen, Acrylic Brooch in Green

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces1.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces17.PNG

La Vidriola, Rainy Day Umbrella Queen, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces49.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces63.PNG

La Vidriola, Colourful Queen, Acrylic Brooch in Purple

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces267.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces283.PNG

La Vidriola, Dachshund Bookend, Essentials Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces120.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces138.PNG

La Vidriola, Home-made Jam, Upside Down Edition, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces167.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces187.PNG
sold out

La Vidriola, Smokey, Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces337.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces340.PNG

La Vidriola, The Longest Scarf, Acrylic Earrings

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces345.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces355.PNG

La Vidriola, Queen of the Ice Rink, Statement Acrylic Necklace

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces313.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces317.PNG
sold out

La Vidriola, Frosty the Snowcat, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces151.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces163.PNG
sold out

La Vidriola, Squirrel's Afternoon Tea, Acrylic Brooch

Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces383.PNG Danilova Jewellery, La Vidriola, Acrylic Plastic Brooches and Necklaces6.PNG

La Vidriola, Mercury Has a Sunburn, Acrylic Brooch
